Terms and conditions of saleDirector of publication : C.BENSOUSSAN.
Semseo LTD with a capital of £100,000, registered on 28 September 2002 as an e-advertising practice and since 15 April 2010 as a specialist in multi-media paid search (google / facebook / youtube etc.) and SEO, registered with the London Trade and Companies Registry under number 08948940 and having its registered office at 9B Queen’s Yard.
White Post Lane
London E9 5EN – United Kingdom.
Personal data:
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the information collected when using this site and/or any of its services is intended for Semseo and its partners or service providers directly involved in the operation of this site and/or the services offered. You have the right to access and rectify any data concerning you. To do so, please contact us at the following address: SEMSEO – Service Référencement -9B Queen’s Yard – White Post Lane
London E9 5EN.
Conditions of access and use:
This site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, third-party events and/or maintenance work necessary for the proper operation of the site.
SEMSEO has opened this site for the personal information of its users. No commercial use by third parties, even partial, of the data presented on this site may be made without Semseo’s prior written consent. The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documentation represented on this website are the subject of industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of Semseo or of third parties who have given Semseo limited authorisation to use them. As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, in part or in full, or transfer to another site is prohibited. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Semseo is strictly prohibited.
Users of this site acknowledge that they have been informed of and accept this practice. Users of this site are informed that during access, information may be temporarily stored in memory or on their hard disk.
The services of the semseo.io service are subject to the present general terms and conditions, which prevail over any conditions of purchase, unless we expressly waive them, and to the express provisions of law no. 93-122 of 29 January 1993.
The term “Advertiser” used in these general terms and conditions refers to any individual or legal entity for whom Semseo provides the following services:
– Research and Consultancy,
– Implementation of Google Adwords® campaigns (creation, management, optimisation & restructuring of Adwords ® accounts)
– Web-Marketing services,
– Development of brand awareness,
– Natural referencing and e-marketing solutions
These online general terms and conditions of sale were updated on 02/01/2017. This edition cancels and replaces all previous versions.
Semseo Semseo’s services are based on the creation and management of advertising campaigns on behalf of an Advertiser, within the framework of a written mandate in accordance with the express provisions of article 20 of law no. 93-122 of 29 January 1993.
Within the framework of media campaigns carried out via Google Adwords, Bing or any other support, Semseo manages on behalf of the Advertiser, a daily mission of advice, management and purchase of “clicks”, banners and other locations via the search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo etc., guaranteeing the Advertiser an average positioning of its advertisements, according to a minimum display rotation of 90%, throughout the duration of the campaign and carried over to the total duration of the contract.
The Advertiser’s order is placed via the http://www.semseo.io website or by telephone on FR: +33 1 75 43 45 00 (+353 7 66 04 27 73).
The order received will be considered as definitively accepted by our services within a maximum of 72 working hours after receipt of all documents and payment.
4.1. The prices in force are expressed in euros and exclude tax for France and the European Community; the relevant taxes are those in force on the day of the order.
4.2. The price proposed by Semseo is a firm, all-inclusive price, including :
– on the one hand, Semseo’s management and mission fees, as well as the cost of purchasing “clicks” from Google Adwords, acting as an advertising network.
– As well as the fees of any service provider used to ensure the position chosen by the client.
Bearing in mind that the cost of clicks purchased by Semseo, in its capacity as intermediary, varies on a daily basis, and that it cannot be determined in advance of any assignment entrusted to Semseo, the latter undertakes to inform the Advertiser thereof, in accordance with the conditions set out in article 13.
4.3. Invoices must be paid on the due date shown on the invoice sent to the Client, at the latest within eight days of the date of issue.
In certain cases, Semseo reserves the right to request a deposit equal to at least 30% of the total amount of the order excluding VAT.
4.4. Any incident and/or delay in payment will automatically result in the application of a late payment penalty as well as the invoicing of all related financial and collection costs. Semseo reserves the right to suspend the service provided under this contract from the date of sending of the first reminder email or letter. In all cases, the Client will be liable for the full amount of the contract including the aforementioned charges and penalties. The rejection fee is €49 excluding VAT for each attempt and the monthly late payment fee is 11% of the total amount of the contract in accordance with article L441-6 Paragraph 6.
In the event of non-payment on the due date and after a simple formal notice by email, the customer will be required, as a penalty clause, in addition to the default interest due in proportion to the delay in payment, to pay a fixed sum equal to 15% of the total amount of the unpaid sums. The amount of this penalty clause may not, however, be less than €250 excluding VAT.
4.5. Suspension of Services: If the client does not pay the invoice in full, Semseo reserves the right to suspend the services provided, in the absence of payment, within a period of one month from the date of issue of the invoice, and after formal notice to pay has remained unsuccessful. In all cases, the customer is liable for the entire contract, including late payment and collection penalties.
Any resumption of suspended services is subject to full payment of all outstanding invoices by the Customer.
4.6. For standard contracts: MyAds – Semseo makes no commitment to provide a minimum number of clicks on the Customer’s site or to provide a minimum number of sales or contacts. The advertiser may therefore in no case sue Semseo for failure to comply with the contract, in the event that the advertiser believes it could obtain more clicks or sales in another way. Semseo’s service consists of selling a “position” on Google, guaranteed by an average positioning on the contract, but in no case a number of clicks.
The advertiser may not ask Semseo (as part of a positioning guarantee) to provide a minimum number of clicks as long as the client’s ad is positioned in accordance with the commitments set out in the contract.
Semseo undertakes to make every effort to monitor and optimise the advertiser’s campaign at least 4 times a week in order to guarantee maximum service and to help the client establish the best possible return on investment.
The positioning of the advert will depend on the number of advertisers on the chosen keywords and the number of clicks obtained by the advertiser.
As a result, the positioning of the ad will not be fixed and will vary throughout the day (Google principle). This will result in an “average” positioning per day. The average positioning guaranteed by Semseo is calculated on the basis of all the displays in the client’s entire campaign over the defined period. The average will therefore be established monthly and reviewed at the end of the contract. No complaint from the advertiser will be taken into account if the ad has been incorrectly positioned, provided that the monthly average has been respected.
The minimum guaranteed visibility of 60% applies equally to a monthly average and reviewed over the entire period defined when the contract was signed, initially for a period of 12 months. In the event that SEMSEO has difficulty in advertising at least 80% of the time, the company undertakes to extend the duration of the contract free of charge in accordance with the commitments made and in proportion to the time not advertised.
The rates indicated in the positioning packs include :
– All clicks on the buyer’s ad throughout the campaign. Regardless of the amount charged for clicks by Google.
– Account creation and campaign set-up costs, including any work required throughout the campaign.
– Fixed costs for managing campaign statistics and optimisation.
– Any additional specific requests (keyword advice, creation of ad descriptions and titles). When the campaign is renewed, the campaign set-up costs will no longer be invoiced, only the fixed subscription costs.
There will be no refunds possible, either for order cancellations or for errors on the Advertiser’s site (error404, 401, or a change of content in the URL, etc.).
Our contracts with commitment are established for a period of 12 months, automatically renewed so as not to harm the customer by a lack of visibility. A detailed report is sent to the customer on a quarterly basis (or monthly, subject to conditions) or at any time on request by email or post to [email protected]. Cancellation of the contract must be made by email with acknowledgement of receipt, 20 working days before the anniversary date of the contract. Otherwise, the contract will be renewed for a further 12 months, regardless of the initial term of the contract.
In exceptional cases where a contract has passed its anniversary date without a redefined commitment, or for test periods, a simple period of 20 working days is required to validate the definitive termination…
Semseo keeps the original contracts available for 2 years. After this period, the contracts are digitally archived and require a search which costs between €500 and €1,500 depending on the age of the document. However, for the convenience of our customers, all the data is mentioned on each of our invoices, thus serving as a contract.
the purchase order represents a proposal made to the seller by the buyer in order to conclude a sales contract, while the invoice confirms the sale and definitively establishes the transaction.
4.7: In the event of a sale or cessation of business, the Customer undertakes to inform the transferee of any contracts in progress with Semseo and to provide Semseo with a copy of the sales contract.
Only companies in receivership may claim contract termination.
5.1. Studies, documents and work submitted or drawn up by Semseo on behalf of the advertiser, as well as all creative advertising work, remain our property until such time as the said studies and work have been invoiced to the advertiser and paid for in full by the latter; during the time that the documents concerning the advertiser are in the possession of the intermediary, the latter will be responsible for them and will consider them confidential, as will all information and documents concerning the advertiser’s company, its products or services or advertising. Upon expiry and/or termination of the agreement with Semseo and after a period of three months, all of these documents will be returned to the advertiser and/or destroyed in the event of silence on the part of the advertiser.
5.2. Once payment has been made, the reproduction and exploitation rights for the creative advertising work, resulting in particular from literary and artistic property, are transferred to the advertiser.
6. obligations of semseo
6.1. Semseo only assumes an obligation of means in the execution of these services. Semseo undertakes to provide every assistance to guarantee the execution of the services ordered on the semseo.io website.
6.2. The advertiser remains solely responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage caused by him/herself or by one of his/her employees to Semseo or to Third Parties or to other advertisers as a result of the abusive or illicit use of the services offered on the semseo.io website.
6.3. Semseo may not be held responsible for the fraudulent, abusive and/or illegal actions of an advertiser in the context of the services offered on the semseo.io website.
6.4. Semseo may not be held liable in the event of legal action being taken against an Advertiser as a result of the temporary suspension and/or refusal to display an advertisement by the providers of sponsored links.
6.5. Semseo may not be held liable in the event of legal action being taken against an Advertiser as a result of any computer breakdowns generated by its site host.
6.6. Semseo will only keep statistics on advertising positioning campaigns for a maximum period of 3 months. All statistics exceeding this period will be destroyed and/or returned to the Advertiser.
7.1 It is the responsibility of the advertiser to define and implement the technical means it deems most appropriate in order to preserve the integrity, authentication and confidentiality of the information, files and data of any nature it wishes to place on the Internet network, in compliance with the applicable regulations and in particular with regard to the confidentiality of correspondence and encryption.
7.2. The advertiser undertakes not to transmit on the Internet any data contrary to the laws and regulations likely to :
– constitute an abuse of rights
– be contrary to public order and/or morality;
– be used to exert a threat or pressure of any nature, form or purpose whatsoever;
– contravene or conflict with any intellectual or industrial property right;
– have been obtained or used as a result of a contravention, crime or misdemeanour.
– cause any prejudice whatsoever to a third party, particularly in the case of misleading advertising.
In such cases, advertising positioning campaigns will be systematically refused.
7.3. As Semseo is accredited by Google Adwords, the advertiser also undertakes to respect the general terms and conditions of sale of the Google Adwords service provider, it being specified that Google Adwords has the right to :
– modify, if necessary, the titles and descriptions of its ads in order to improve the rate of return on the advertising campaign;
– to refuse keywords, in particular those relating to alcohol, sex, or contrary to public decency or current legislation.
7.4. The advertiser undertakes not to contest the reports provided by Semseo concerning the counting and authenticity of visitors. The Advertiser undertakes to inform Semseo by email or post of any effective changes to their website (url, products, contact details, etc.).
The Advertiser’s site must include an integral version in the language of the media likely to be used.
The Advertiser’s site must not provide links to content likely to infringe the law or violate the rights of a third party in the country in question. The site must include all the identification information required by the law of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, as amended by law 2000/719 of 1 August 2000. The site must have its own domain name; addresses from free hosts will not be taken into account. The Advertiser’s site must be permanently accessible (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
The Advertiser’s site must include all the identification information required by the law of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, amended by law 2000/719 of 1 August 2000. The content (textual and graphic) of the advertising message is the sole responsibility of the Advertiser.
The Advertiser is required to respect the laws and regulations in force in the country of publication and to comply with the prerogatives of Consumer Law.
The Advertiser must comply with the regulations in force and apply the recommendations of the Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité.
The Advertiser undertakes to protect Semseo from any liability action, claims and litigation that may result from any breach of these General Terms and Conditions, whether attributable to the Advertiser or to the use of the Advertiser’s account, and to intervene in any legal proceedings brought against Semseo in this respect.
Initially, cases of force majeure will suspend the execution of the contract. If the cases of force majeure last longer than three months, the contract will be terminated automatically. The following are expressly considered to be cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually accepted by the jurisprudence of French courts and tribunals:
– Total or partial strikes, internal or external to the company, lock-outs, bad weather, epidemics, blockage of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, water damage, government or legal restrictions, legal or regulatory changes to forms of marketing, computer breakdowns, telecommunications blockages, including PTT networks, war or a state of siege, and any independent, irresistible and unforeseeable event preventing the normal performance of the contract.
9.1. The advertiser has the right to cancel the order in the event that Semseo does not respect its commitments in terms of average positioning, according to the aforementioned conditions, for a period of 7 days from acceptance of the order.
In this case, the client must send a request for cancellation by email, which will be confirmed by SEMSEO by return email.
An amicable assessment will then be carried out by experts appointed by Semseo, in order to confirm the advertiser’s position.
In the event of a favourable opinion from the expert, the cancellation will take effect following receipt of an email sent to the client by Semseo, within 8 days of receipt of the final opinion from the expert. Only Google reports are considered as real proof.
9.2 Other grounds for termination of the contract
In the event of a breach by one of the Parties of its obligations and after a period of 15 days from the date of presentation of the formal notice by email notifying the said breaches, in the event that the breach has not been remedied, the other Party may terminate the present contract as of right without any prior formality and/or legal process by confirmed notification sent by email or fax.
In any event, the Contract may be terminated by Semseo without prior formal notice (by email) in the following cases:
– Declared payment incident
– if the website or any of the elements contained therein infringe the rights of third parties or are contrary to public policy. In all cases, the contract will be due in full, including any rejection fees or other late payment fees.
9.3 Exceptional cases
In certain very specific cases (e.g. financial difficulties encountered by the advertiser) Semseo reserves the right to terminate the current contract for a cancellation fee of between €599 excluding VAT and €1599 excluding VAT, depending on the length of the contract (€599 = 1 year of seniority).
Semseo may modify its service without further formality other than including these modifications in the online general terms and conditions, up to a limit of 3 times per year.
The software and hardware configuration required to use the semseo.io website and to become an Advertiser is specified on the website pages.
The Advertiser is responsible for the technical and financial costs of this software configuration as well as the telecommunications costs related to the execution of the services provided for in these general terms and conditions.
Semseo may not be held liable for any access or operating difficulties related to the Advertiser’s hardware or software configuration.
The Advertiser declares that he/she has the necessary skills and computer and telecommunications resources to use the services of the semseo.io website correctly.
When restructuring Ads campaigns, we include the verification and installation of conversions via GTM. By installation, we mean setting up tracking for your Single Page Web Applications. This does not include tracking or tags to be installed on secondary urls of any type.
12. ACCOUNTING (For managed Adwords accounts)
In accordance with the provisions of the Sapin law no. 93-122 of 29 January 1993, Semseo will provide, upon completion of the services carried out on behalf of the advertiser, a document to which will be attached the proofs of payment provided by Google Adwords and/or by any intermediary.
These general terms and conditions are subject to French law.
Any dispute that may arise between the parties in relation to the formation, performance and/or interpretation of the contract shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Strasbourg for French customers, the Commercial Court of Geneva for Swiss customers and the competent court in London for English customers.
Payment for the service implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.